Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Pizza Hut, My Indonesian Nostalgia

Lately, Indonesian social media has been talking 
about Fitsa Hats. I was curious about 
what kind of hats are those
After some research, Fitsa Hats turned out 
to be a typo of Pizza Hut

Whether the typo was intentional, let me not be a judge
And I think there have been so many judging, 
I'd rather talk about something light and fun
Such as my nostalgia eating pizzas in Pizza Hut

I was in middle school when I first took a bite of pizza
Oh, I fell in love instantly
with the gooey of cheese, softness of the bread, richness of meat, combination of texture and taste
of saltiness, sweetness, richness, spiciness. 
Spicy is a must because most Indonesians love to put sambal in everything they eat, pizza included.

gathering of university friends with a lunch of pizzas from Pizza Hut
It happened in the Pizza Hut in Jalan Thamrin in the 80s
After that, I continue my relationship with pizzas
Back then, eating in Pizza Hut was rather expensive 
for my family's budget
So, my family kept it for special occasions 
such as birthdays and graduation

I remember that Pizza Hut had a salad bar
I got an empty bowl and made my own salad
Usually, I tried to put as many veggies as I could inside the bowl
Because the salad was not refillable
I would also share my salad with the friends or family who were in my table

The pizza menu did not have as many variety as today
If I am not mistaken, there were Special Supreme, 
Supreme, Meat Lover, 
Sea food lover ( which I did not like), and Vegetarian. 
There were also limited variety of appetizers and pasta dish
The drinks were sodas, and special drinks like lemon tea, lemonade, lime-soda (fresh lime juice mixed with sprite)

In the 90s, Pizza Hut started their delivery
I remembered ordered a pizza delivery by phone
They were opening new branches
I remembered a high school girl friend treated me and others to Pizza Hut in Gunung Sahari 
to celebrate her birthday

When I moved to US, I found American Pizza Hut was not as yummy as Indonesian pizza Hut
Maybe my opinion was rather subjective
I also found that my Asian/Indonesian friends prefers Asian restaurants 
They won't choose Pizza Hut to dine out together 

When I have kids,
Pizza became a staple in my house
I always have frozen pizzas in my freezer
Pizza are my kids favorite but it's not a special treat for them 
like they had been for me

My taste in pizza is different from my kids
I like to put as many topping as I can in my pizza
They like it plain cheese
breakfast menu in Pizza Hut Jakarta
Last summer, when my family visited Jakarta
I was surprised to see so many pizza hut stores 
The small stores are called PHD, Pizza Hut Delivery
The big stores are Pizza Hut Restaurant, 
when people usually dine in
The menu is different now, Pizza Hut enlarging their repertoires 
to many kinds of pasta and rice dish, 
also a big variety of drinks including coffee and smoothies
Some of the Pizza Hut restaurants are also open for breakfast
with special breakfast menu

Time changes everything, including Pizza Hut
But I cherish my nostalgia of them

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