Thursday, 25 January 2018

Shallot and Garlic, Flavor Base for Many Indonesian Cuisine

stir fry rice noodle with sauteed shallot and garlic as flavor base
If you try Indonesian cuisine,
you will find shallot and garlic inside them.
Shallot and garlic are the flavor base of Indonesian food 
such as soffritto for Italian food 
or mirepoix for French cooking

For tasty stir fry of veggies, protein, rice or noodles,
you first sautee diced shallot and garlic
Rich stew of protein in coconut milk needs 
a big quantity of shallot and garlic paste
Fried garlic and fried shallots can also become
toppings for stew, soup and many other dishes

Peanut sauce salad with fried shallot toppings
The flavor base of shallot and garlic are enhanced 
into three kinds of colors
1. White spice base : puree of shallot, garlic and candlenut
    for chicken coconut milk stew (opor ayam)
2. Yellow spice base : puree of shallot, garlic, candlenut 
    and turmeric for yellow chicken soup or soto ayam
3. Red spice base : puree of shallot, garlic, candlenut 
    and red chili pepper for rendang and sambal goreng

My mom still makes her own white, yellow 
or red spice base when cooking
Well, she is a purist when food is concerned 
and cooking is her passion
I, on the other hand, cook because of family obligation
I use Indofood, Bambu or Munik instant spice. 

 And why the name Shallot and Garlic for characters 
in traditional children story?
Maybe because those two ingredients are so ingrained 
into the daily life of Indonesians ?
Any other opinions, dear readers ? Let me know !

Gado gado picture by Eka Putra

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Year of 2018, A Month Old of A New Beginning

Today, the year of 2018 is almost a month old.
When you are expecting a baby,  a month is a milestone
Every month, there will be a new development and excitement

I also want to break a good news to you about my new "baby"
The name of my new baby is "Shallot and Garlic"
I have been "pregnant" with this "baby"
for many many years

I have some people helping me with this "pregnancy"
My husband helps me funding the development of this "baby"
My American friend Grace Stanczak helps me editing the text
My Indonesian friend Jeffry Supit helps me illustrated the story
and my Indonesian friend whom I met in America, Handy Atmali helps me designed the lay out

Shallot and Garlic is still inside the "womb" 
of a printing company in Ann Arbor
It will be born in February 2018
I will surely let you know when it comes out